Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful we got to spend time with my family in lovely (cough)sulfur water(cough) Hanford, CA.

I'm thankful we got to witness Lily Bean's first steps!

I'm thankful we also got to witness the murder of her birthday cake... see it here!

I'm thankful my sisters worked things out. I'm the mediator 'cause I'm the middle sister. ;)

I'm thankful Parker did an awesome job with such a long drive - both ways!

I'm thankful God kept us safe on the road. Lots of crazy drivers out there (yes, I'm one of them).

And I'm very thankful for Tension Tamer tea. It actually works, thank goodness! This morning I was feeling it in my neck and back and I couldn't shake it off. It made for a very rough morning. I had to pray silently several times to help avoid huge blow-ups with Parker. I notice that Thursdays are often our most difficult days for some reason (so it's probably a good thing that Thursdays are my thankful reflection days, helps me get my head and heart back in the right place)... anyway, I saw this tea at the grocery store and thought it was worth a shot. Maybe it's psychosomatic, but I could feel the muscles in my neck relax after just a few minutes of drinking the tea. It worked better than taking an Ibuprofen! I couldn't even turn my neck to the left this morning without pain, and now, nearly four hours after drinking the tea, I can still move it freely. The tea tastes kinda funky, though. Next time it's getting blasted with honey!
"I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don't be afraid. I am here to help you." Isaiah 41:13


sunshine said...

nice piece. Glad your trip was safe.

MOMMY-MOMO said...

oh good! I was wondering how the trip went! details... how'd he do?

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